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West Coast Ireland- Quiet, Sea Locations for Retreat Suggestions

We would like to spend 7-10 days in the same location in West-Ireland in the first week of July.
Seeking suggestions for recommendations.

We are seeking the following:

  1. Not a heavy tourist area
  2. Coastal
  3. Within a 10-20 minute walk to a town
  4. Ideally in a Gaeltacht region

Thank you in advance for any suggestions!

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3097 posts

One suggestion would be to look just west of the village of Clifden in Connemarra along the Sky Road. We stayed out there for a week a few years ago and enjoyed it immensely. Appears there are several options that might appeal for you.

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637 posts

Cloghane (An Clochan in Irish), Co. Kerry, Dingle Peninsula. In 2010, I visited Chloghan as part of a 100-mile walk on the Dingle Way trail (, and it instantly because my favorite small Irish town. Chloghan barely gets any tourists because it's on the north, Atlantic Ocean-facing coast of the peninsula with most visitors going to the south, Dingle Bay-facing coast where Dingle Town is located. It's coastal and sits in the shadow of Mount Brandon, the eighth-tallest mountain in Ireland. Irish speakers abound in Dingle. The town probably has 200 residents. However, if you will have access to a car, Dingle Town (population 1,500) is probably 20 minutes away. You can probably catch a bus or Uber.

Dunquin, Kerry, Dingle: This is a small town at the western edge of Dingle. A decent amount of tourists pass through because its on the western tip of the peninsula, but nothing extraordinary. It's one of two towns in my five visits to Ireland where I heard Irish spoken in everyday talk among locals.

Letterkenny, Co. Donegal: In 1997, I spent a night in Letterkenny. Virtually all of Donegal has Irish speakers. It's not on the sea, but the Atlantic is only 10 miles away. The town has a population of 20,000.

Erris, Co. Mayo: I passed through here in 1997, too. It feels very remote. Irish is spoken. It's on the sea. Few tourists visit here.

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2519 posts

Anywhere on the coast of County Galway would work. If you want somewhere smaller than Clifden, look at either Roundstone with its harbor or Ballyconneely. These are both small viallage (Ballyconneely will porobably be quier than Roundstone). The coastline round here is stunning.

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204 posts

Thank you for your replies! We booked in Cloghane on the Dingle Peninsula for a few days (thanks Craig), and then we will spend 4 days in Galway proper and take some day trips out to Connemara. I realize being in Galway is not quiet seacoast, but it is a compromise!
Thanks again!

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637 posts

Man, enjoy paradise. It's worth climbing Mount Brandon via Cloghane. The path from the town is pretty gentle. The peak is around 3,000 ft., but the trail doesn't go to the peak: It's probably around 2,500 to 2,800 ft. If it's not foggy, you will be rewarded with august views of the Atlantic Ocean.

The antiquities -- Celtic, Norman and early Christian -- in Dingle could keep keep an archeologist busy for two lifetimes.

Back in town, there's a popular eatery/bar whose name I don't remember. They serve dinners. Just ask around.

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159 posts

The Island of Inishboffin is a marvel. Seldom has mother nature displayed greater beauty.