We will be travelling on your tour to Ireland September 2024. Will Visas be required? If so how and when do we obtain one?
If you are a US or Canadian passport holder (among others) then no, no Visa required. You may have heard about something called EITAS, but that has been delayed, so not a worry. Make sure your passport is good for more than 6 months after the start of your trip.
By the way, the people and help provided on this forum are just regular strangers on the internet. With the exception of a Webmaster lurking in the shadows, none are Rick Steves employees. (Probably)
Needing a visa depends what passport you hold - you can check here https://www.irishimmigration.ie/coming-to-visit-ireland/visit-ireland-travel-path/
ETIAS, when introduced, will not apply to Ireland.