I'm asking this for a friend who is going to Ireland next week. They plan a day tour from Dublin to sights in Northern Ireland and back. Does anyone know if the tour operators are asking for confirmation of the ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) when embarking from Dublin?
Does anyone know if the tour operators are asking for confirmation of the ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) when embarking from Dublin?
The only entity that matters is HM Government, which does require you to have an ETA whatever some tour company says, assuming you don’t have a UK or RoI passport.
The tour company can't ask for anything. There is nothing to show.
The ETA is in the computers tied to your passport number.
There is also no immigration border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.
However, technically, he will need an ETA.
I mentioned the tour operators because as we know there is no border check of passports entering Northern Ireland. I haven't tried to do the ETA yet. I was thinking you might get some confirmation on your phone to show. I'll need it though as I will be in London for a few days in July.
I entered the UK a couple of weeks ago. The airline didn't ask me for anything. When I arrived in the UK, I went through the egates as before.
You will get an email that you have been approved but no one will ask you to show it.
The tour company will not ask to see anything as they are not responsbile if for some, very strange reason, their vehicle is stopped by Border Force.
If they are stopped, it will make the news.