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Just wanted to say thanks to Rick Steves and the RS community. We leave for Ireland a week from Tuesday and are really excited. We have asked a lot of questions on this forum and had a lot of them answered. We feel we are better prepared because of it.
We are trying a lot of new things this time. We have two BnBs, two hotels, and rented three houses from Airbnb. Last time we stayed solely in BnBs so this will be new. Last time was 10 years ago and we depended completely on road maps. We have the maps this time but we rented a gps so we are hoping to enjoy the drive more this time. We are going to Northern Ireland this time which we did not do last time. We are a little anxious about it but excited to see Belfast, The Giants Causeway and other sights up there.
Anyway we will report our out come and things we learned this trip when we get back but we hope others will get the same benefit out of this forum as much as we did.
Jim And Diana Wilson
Yosemite, California

Posted by
1172 posts

Enjoy your trip Jim and Diana.. so looking forward to your trip report when you are back!

Posted by
238 posts

I think you are in for a wonderful experience, something you'll savor for many years to come. I, too, look forward to hearing all about it! Bon voyage--and happy anniversary!

Posted by
82 posts

I would like to add my thanks to you, Jim and Diana. After reading your post above, I decided to use Airbnb to find lodging in Dublin for our last 2 nights in Ireland. I'm so glad I did! :)

Joyful Journeys!


Posted by
9102 posts

Bon Voyage and while in Belfast please go to Mournes Seafood next to the Kelly Cellars pub. Have the seafood chowder. I still dream about that chowder!

Trust me with all the stunning granite in Yosemite Valley you will still stand in awe when looking at the Giants causeway. A geological wonder.

Safe travels .