We are traveling to Ireland in Sept 2017. I saw a post about Tarbert Killimer Ferry and Insurance in 2013 with no real answers. Rick Steves recommends this ferry but the Rental companies still say they won't cover the car on the ferry. Has anyone found insurance coverage for cars just for this ferry? Ferrys must be very dangerous in Ireland.
I'm going to hazard a guess this is a boilerplate exclusion, like the fine print in rental car companies that says you're not covered if you drive on an unpaved road. I don't think it means the ferry is dangerous, just that if the boat goes down you'd have to deal with the ferry company and not your car insurance.
If it is specifically excluding just the Tarbert Killimer Ferry, it may be some kind of dispute with the operator of that ferry.
Elsewhere on these forums, under the Tips and Trip Reports heading, you can get more info about rental car insurance.
My wife and I utilized the ferry in a rental and had no problems whatsoever. The rental agency never asked or questioned us on it upon return and we enjoyed the short trip (and the amount of time it saved). Hope this eases any worries!
We had the same experience that Anthony had.
Same experience as Anthony as well. Was not even aware of this ~ ha!
I spoke with a friend who has traveled to Ireland a number of times. He, like most, never read the fine print in the insurance agreements. His take is that they really mean ferries leaving the island. Although he didn't specifically ask about ferries, he was told he was covered "as long as he didn't leave Ireland with the car".
Will check with the company when we get there and reply here. We appreciate the replies so far.
I've lived here 4 years and never heard anything about that ferry being a problem. I took the even smaller ferry at Valentia Island two days ago, and I can assure you I've never heard a peep from Budget or EuropCar (the companies I use) about exclusions. I DO often see exclusions on taking the car out of RoI - including to Giant's Causeway which, of course, is not "in Ireland." I have to pay an add on insurance charge to take a rental car into Northern Ireland. One time fee. I think it was 35 euros.
in Waterville