Re Heart of Ireland, July 29: We would love to experience Sunday services when in Ireland for the 8-day tour, at the front end when in Ennis, before the tour begins that afternoon, and after bidding farewell to the tour the following Sunday in Dublin. We enjoy this as visitors appreciating the history, architecture and beauty, certainly, but this is not done to gawk and take pics, but out of respect for the people and God to join the service as believers, bonding with God and others in worship. To wander through a cathedral or chapel at other times, guidebook and camera in my grip is wonderful, but when possible it is glorious to join in a service, meet people, pray and learn. (On past travels, this made for wonderful memories in Avebury and Westminster, UK.)
We would love to hear your ideas for attending church in Ennis and Dublin!
Cal Stevens
San Luis Obispo, CA