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Shortest route from Belfast to Clifden

We have a wedding destination when we leave Belfast to "Clifden."
Can anyone give us a quicker route by "car" and yet still follow a scenic route.
Thx, Sharon

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353 posts

The shortest and most scenic option takes about 6.5 hours. You would head SW from Belfast, on the M-1/A-4 toward Sligo, then south on the N-17/N-5 to Clifden. The fastest way (a bit under 6 hours), goes south from Belfast on the A-1/M-1 towards Dublin, then west on the M-4/M-6 toward Galway and NW on the N-59.

You can use for finding routes and directions anywhere in Europe. It will even estimate what you will spend in gas and road tolls. The site has an option for searching routes by the fastest, shortest or discovery (most scenic) routes.