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Shoe advice

Hi all
I am heading back to Ireland next year on a tour. I was in the UK last year, and found the walking really hard. I have severely pronated feet, and while I wore my orthotics, my shoes just were not up to the walking. I have also ankle, knee and heel pad problems. Any recommendations for good shoes that will see me thru 13 days of walking?

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3941 posts

In the Tips and trip reports forums there is a whole topic dedicated to best shoes for travel...

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69 posts

As noted above, there is a whole section of the forum devoted to shoes, so I would definitely check that out! You will likely find far more information there than you ever knew you needed.

Just a couple thoughts to get you started...
1) What do you typically wear for walking at home? How does this normally work out for you?
2) How broken in were your shoes last time?

Given it seems that you have several orthopedic issues, I would think something with maximum support would be best, like a hiking boot or athletic walking shoe, properly broken in over a long period of time, worn with your orthotic. There are a lot of good suggestions on the shoe forum, but I'd look into brands like Merrell and Ahnu to start. I'd also encourage you to do more walking than usual to prepare yourself, if possible, preferably wearing your chosen shoes!