We will be renting a car for a week to explore Ireland's western coast. We are planning to spend one night on the Aran Island Inishmore. Rick's guidebook recommends drivers to park at the Rossaveal ferry landing for 8euros a day. Does this mean that we can leave the car there overnight? Or is he just giving this as a tip for Aran Island day-trippers? We plan to take the 10:30am ferry from Rossaveal to Inishmore, stay the night, and then return to the mainland the next day via the 8:15am ferry. Does anyone have experience doing this? Will it be okay to leave the car in the Rossaveal parking lot overnight? Thanks!
Here's the ferry website you need to visit for contact and other info: http://aranislandferries.com/index.php
I must comment. So glad you are staying over on Insmor. I stayed there a week! The tourists leave with the last boar and you have the locals all to yourself.