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Notify your bank

I am not new to European travel, having lived in Europe as well as traveled there many, many times. Before my current trip to Ireland, I notified my bank that I would be traveling throughout all of Ireland. Of course, in my head, I knew that this included northern Ireland, but I did not specifically mention this to my bank. This resulted in my credit card and ATM being rejected in Northern Ireland when I attempted to withdraw British pounds. I was lucky in that my banker lives across the street from me, and a quick text remedied the situation, but I would like to remind future travelers to specifically mention to their banks that they will be withdrawing euros in Ireland and pounds sterling in northern Ireland.

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The fact that it's two different countries is also relevant for cell phones if you want to get a local SIM card. I spent a lot of time trying unsuccessfully to find a SIM card that would cover both UK and Ireland. (My USA cell phone provider doesn't allow international SIM cards, only local ones for foreign countries.) I ended up just keeping my USA cell phone plan and having their help desk reprogram it for overseas use.