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New restrictions in Ireland

Just announced - workers are to work at home unless absolutely necessary. This may impact tourists.

Also Irish pubs, bars and restaurants have to close earlier starting Thursday. This may impact tourists.

Micheál Martin, the taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister), said this is due to "another surge" of Covid-19.

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9003 posts

NIgel, I just wanted to express my appreciation about you updating the board so often with good information that is important to know.

Thank you!

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513 posts

Ditto to what Carol said. Keep us appraised please.

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2892 posts

I see this news about Ireland appearing on the BBC website just before lunchtime here in California,
and then right at lunchtime the opposite appeared regarding Scotland:
saying that they can look forward to a 'normal' Christmas.

It's like some kind of lesson in how things change rather than staying the same, and how what's going on in one place may not be going on in another. How nuts is that? /s which is also a :-P