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"Midgies" in Ireland?

Our travel companions on a two week Ireland trip are New Zealanders of Scottish origin. They have packed their "midgie masks". They seem to think these little gnat-like bugs will be as annoying in Ireland as they are in the Highlands of Scotland, where they have spent a lot of time. Anyone have any experience with "midgies" in Ireland? Nothing I've read has warned me about this.

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3059 posts

We've never encountered any during our trips, and we've done quite a lot of hiking around the country in all seasons.
That said, we do always carry some repellant in our backpacks just in case we happen upon a Spring hatch of the little guys.
The masks strike me as overkill but to each their own - better to have them and not need them than the other way around I suppose.

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89 posts

I've never encountered them on both my trips to Ireland with hubby. He has been twice more on golf trips and never mentioned them.

My daughter did a weeks summer camp at Delphi Resort Teen Camp in County Galway in July this year. While I can’t quote her exact thoughts on midges (pretty sure it violates community standards) all I can say she was not amused. Her camp involved a lot of outdoor activities, day hikes and an overnight camping trip. I have never encountered them on my trips and I don’t think you have to worry about but you didn’t mention the time of year or area you are visiting and if you are planning to go hiking, etc.

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1952 posts

Yep! In the Wicklow mountain area in July. We had a gorgeous BnB with a balcony overlooking the mountains. In the evening they would come out and they ran us indoors. That was disappointing, but it seemed to only be bothersome in the evening and didn't encounter them anywhere else on our trip.