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Logistics between Dublin or Limerick

Are there buses or trains connecting Dublin to either Limerick or Galway? Run often? Expensive or cheap? Travel Time between cities? I learned for some reason it is a lot cheaper to fly into Dublin than Shannon. We are a family unit, so there are multiple airfares involved.

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Hi Barb, there are frequent trains and buses connecting Dublin with both Limerick and Galway.
By train: Dublin-Limerick: takes a little over 2 hours, 3-4 direct trains daily, most involve a train change in Limerick Junction. Fares range from €15-30 per ticket.
Dublin-Galway: takes about 2.5 hours, direct trains every 2 hours. Fares range from €15-21 per ticket.
You can see schedules, routes and fares on the Irish National Rail website:

By bus: Dublin-Limerick; Frequent buses taking 3.5 hours, about €12 per ticket.
Dublin-Galway: Buses nearly hourly, taking 3+ hours, €11-15.
Major bus lines are Bus Eireann ( and City Link (
You can buy train or bus tickets online or at the station a day or two ahead.