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Last Minute Advice on Itinerary

I have made my plans and have my stays set, but want advice if I should alter my trip.
7 Nights
We are landing in early April at Shannon Airport in early morning after overnight flight.
Here is plan
-Drive into Burren and down to Dingle (Stay 2 nights) - Getting car at 7:30AM at Airport and hope to arrive in Dingle about 6PM
-Drive to Cashel and Spend 1 night, tour Cashel
-Drive to Dublin and spend 3 nights - Kilkenney and Glendalough on the way (2 full days in Dublin)
-Drive to Newgrange and then stay 1 night in Trim
-Fly out of Dublin Airport
Depending on time there are multiple other minor sites I am planning on stopping at but these are the main sites.

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9363 posts

It's a shame that you are skipping Doolin and the Cliffs of Moher, since you will already be right there. You could easily take the Tarbert/Killimer ferry across the River Shannon to save yourself some driving time if you are coming from the coast road (past the Cliffs). Be aware, though, that driving in Ireland can be deceptively slower than what you are used to. You can't do 60 miles in an hour, like you could estimate in the US. The roads on that side of the country can be narrow and winding, and you might find yourself following farm equipment or having to stop for sheep in the road. Have you looked at the map to determine a route from Cashel back to Kilkenny and then via Glendalough? It's not very straightforward, and unless you just want to drive by, I can't imagine seeing Kilkenny and Glendalough during one driving day and still getting to Dublin that same night.

Posted by
317 posts

Greetings from Ireland.
I think the itinerary is fine, I think going to the Burren from Shannon and then down to Dingle after a transatlantic flight is a lot to do, I would skip the Burren and go straight to Dingle, however I see the Burren every two weeks and this may be your only chance to do so, so if you have the energy - go for it!
Same with Kilkenny and Glendalough. From Cashel they are very doable, it will be a long day, but some people are ok with that. If you are, and you sound like you are able for it, then it'll be no problem.
Trim is a good overnight, but consider Drogheda also.
Let me know if you have any specific questions
Slainte/Good health
Stephen McPhilemy
Rick Steves Ireland Tour-Guide
Dingle & Derry