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Kilmainham Gaol

Just got our tickets to Kilmainham Gaol for May 3rd. I'm so excited I think I may burst. Now to get the tix for the Beatles Childhood Homes tour. They only go thru April right now but hoping they fix that soon. Ireland, Liverpool, we come!!!

No questions today just happiness. :)

Posted by
69 posts

We have been to the Goal. You will enjoy it. It was very massive and very educational. Set aside a good chunk of time, it's a ways out from the city center.

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1068 posts

Enjoy your trip. I found Kilmainham Gaol to be a pretty powerful place. Enjoyed the heck out of Dublin and Ireland in general.

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9369 posts

The Gaol is a very powerful place. Be sure to allow time to see the little museum there, as well.

Posted by
356 posts

I began my guiding career in Kilmainham and it really is a wonderful place. I still have an old "six key" at home in a drawer somewhere - a skeleton key to open all the locks in the prison. It was such a wonderful place to work; none of us ever wanted to leave.

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25 posts

Just finished watching"Rebellion" on Netflix. Five episodes about the Easter Uprising in 1916. Well worth your time before visiting Kilmainham Gaol.

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135 posts

How far in advance do you recommend getting tickets? We do not know yet if the RS tour will include the Gaol but we don't want to miss it ........we are doing the May 7-14 tour with Dublin being the last 3 nights. We will be flying into Dublin pre-tour so could do it beforehand.

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2252 posts

edgefield, if you will be visiting the Gaol with the tour, it most likely will be listed on the tour itinerary. Or possibly under "Places (Things?) not covered on the tour" heading if you won't be doing a tour with the group. If that doesn't give you an answer, to your question, give the Tour Department a call. I am sure they know by now if it's to be included or not since your tour start date isn't that far off! As everyone has said, it's quite a moving place to visit and if you have the chance, don't miss it.

Posted by
380 posts

Hi, edgefield

If the Gaol is not included in your tour, buy your tickets on-line ASAP. Tickets are available 3 months in advance, so May is available.

The tickets sell out fast. For example, I checked May 6 and there are only 11 time slots left.

Posted by
2266 posts

The gaol was not included as a part of our 8-day Heart of Ireland tour last summer. The guide did set up tickets for those of us who wanted to go during our free time. It's always nice if you have your tickets ahead so you can maximize your time.