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Itinerary Input

We’ll be traveling with my mother and my family in July and have most of the itinerary settled. After visiting Dingle, we have 2 nights to spend elsewhere before we head back to Dublin to sleep before our early morning flight. I thought it would be nice to stay in Kinsale, but I’m having difficulty finding a hotel with an elevator for my mother. I did find one in Cobh though.
So here’s the question, should we spend both of those nights in Kinsale/Cobh or just one night and the other in Kilkenny? Regardless, of which one we stay, and will be stopping at the Rock of Cashel on the way back.

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7671 posts

Do you want two one-night stays, packing up and moving again after just that night? We’re going to southern Ireland for the first time next month, and it looks like Kinsale/Cobh will be worth more than just a quickie day/night.

But then, with your early flight home, how early do you want to return to Dublin the day before, and can you plan your Rock of Cashel visit to allow arriving in Dublin at an adequate time? I’ve not done what you’re considering, but my sense is to stay both nights south of Cork (probably the place in Cobh with the elevator), then leave early enough to see the Rock of Cashel and get to Dublin at a decent hour. Maybe lunch in Kilkenny that day?

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3066 posts

I agree with Cyn, the more people you travel with the harder one-night stays become. Not everyone moves at your pace and when you are out and about someone needs a restroom, water, food, needs to stop at a store or isn’t interested in what you’re seeing and would rather find a place to sit down; especially those with mobility issues. Furthermore, not everyone walks at the same speed.
Make it easy on everyone and minimize one nighters so your party can settle in that allows more time without feeling rushed. When I’ve traveled with others and crammed a lot into a day there is always something I miss seeing because I was the only one who wanted to see it. Besides, it takes time to fall in love with a place.

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2400 posts

I would stay in Cobh and visit Kinsale for lunch on the way then take the ferry to Cobh for two nights.