Hi. My wife and I are visiting Ireland in May. I just found out recently that our car rental company (Europcar) won't take chip-and-signature cards. I did some research and decided to go with Bank of America's Travel Rewards card. The card seems to be a true chip-and-PIN card with signature priority. It has an online-PIN. The rental company's card terminal has an internet connection. Since they don't take a signature, will the terminal switch over to PIN? Should I have any problem using this card when we pick up our car? The last thing I would want to run into is an unusable card and be up a creek without a paddle. Thanks in advance!
I have one of those cards. It is Signature, not PIN, primary. The advertising is very misleading on this.
I have used it in Europe at ticket kiosks and similar places where PIN was required and was able to enter my PIN and have success with the transaction.
I had not heard that Europcar would not take a chip & signature card. The only mention of card type on their web site specific to Ireland is "Holders of a 'Chip and Pin' card must know their PIN number." How do you know the "terminal has an internet connection"? True chip & PIN cards have an offline PIN (which was the main reason they were created in the first place so they would work in areas with limited connectivity).
The only mention of card type on their web site specific to Ireland is "Holders of a 'Chip and Pin' card must know their PIN number." => Yeah, what both BofA and Europcar say is misleading then. I emailed Europcar to find out about the chip-and-PIN and online-PIN. I wasn't understood when I asked about "online-PIN," but in the second email, I just asked if the card terminal has an internet connection-the answer was "yes."
Thanks for the answer and the clarification about what exactly is a true chip-and-PIN card!
I have the same card for traveling. You just need to contact the bank and tell them you would like to add a PIN number to that card. They will send you a form to fill out and send back. Once the process is complete you have a chip and pin card that will work in Europe.
Thanks Bill! Now I feel more at ease.
I'm also surprised that a major car rental company wouldn't take a Chip and Signature. I would venture that the cardholder has little control over what the vendor's terminal does during the transaction. Even though my State Dept. Federal Credit Union Visa card has a PIN, it is Signature Primary, and produces a paper slip to sign - sometimes to the surprise of the vendor.
I wonder if the April, 2018 Mastercard (but not VISA) change to no mandatory signature at all in the US will affect Signature Primary chip and pin card performance in Europe?