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Irish Folk Musical “In the Midst of Plenty” 2023 tour

My wife and I are planning to go to Ireland in June to see the folk musical about the great mid-19th century Irish famine “In the Midst of Plenty”, which is touring Ireland this year from late May to early August. Full disclosure here: the musical was written by my daughter-in-law Amy Day and is directed by Irish playwright Anne-Marie O’Sullivan. Since I have no financial interest in this whatsoever (and I’m pretty sure Amy won’t be making any money from it - it’s really a labor of love for her), I feel posting this doesn’t violate forum guidelines. If forum moderators and/or readers disagree, then I apologize in advance and would understand if it needs to be edited or taken down.

Anyway, if you’re going to Ireland this coming late spring-summer, you might be interested in catching one of the 18 performances during the tour. You can learn more about the musical and 2023 tour at their website at

We’re hoping to see it either in Derry/Londonderry on June 20th or in Roscommon on the 24th or 25th. Either before or after, we want to do a self-guided walking tour on the west coast somewhere, such as the Dingle Peninsula and Killarney National Park. My original intent in posting was to post questions about the latter, but then it occurred to me to post separately about the musical. Since it appears that all of the earlier forum threads on walking tours in Ireland have been closed due to inactivity, I’ll start a new topic on that.

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Thanks for sharing this. I'll keep this in mind if I make it to Ireland this year.

I have read a book called Black Potatoes: The Story of the Great Irish Famine, 1845-1850. It was sobering. The definitive book is called The Great Hunger: Ireland 1845-1849.