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Ireland Tap Water Safe? Good?

My husband and I are leaving for the RS Best of Ireland tour in early August. We are trying to be mindful and don’t want to keep buying and using plastic water bottles and then discarding them. Ideally we plan to bring our personal water bottles and refill at various stops and definately our hotels. Does anyone on the forum know if the tap water in Ireland is good and safe drinking water? Thanks in advance, Linda

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318 posts

The tap water is safe. However, the beer is another story. After a few of those, you may end up singing and tapping your toes in the most annoying fashion.

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265 posts

Yes it is safe. Ireland is a modern, forward looking country and people do not get their water from streams.

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110 posts

The water pretty much everywhere in Europe is safe to drink. However, it might not taste like water from your tap at home. But I find there are many water supplies in this country that I don't like - generally they are harder water than I'm used to drinking. My water source is snow melt stored in lakes and is very soft. I don't care for the water in London - but I drink it and get used to the taste.

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262 posts

I was in Ireland last month and drank the tap water in all of our hotels, from the sink faucet in the bathroom. No issues whatsoever. Taste varied (as I’ve found in the U.S.) but nothing made me sick and nothing seemed ‘off’.

One public restroom on Inis Mor had a sign saying that the water in the sinks was not fit for drinking, but that was the only time I saw anything like that, and it was well marked.

I didn’t see a whole lot of free bottle filler machines while out and about, so I tended to fill my bottle before leaving the hotel each morning.

Hope you enjoy your tour! Ireland was great!

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318 posts

Ireland is a great country and you'll have a great trip! The Irish have great senses of humor too. Ask them about the show Derry Girls!

Happy travels!

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333 posts

The challenge with water in Europe is getting enough of it at your table when you dine. One liter is good for four glasses. Four of us are traveling together and we get three bottles of water, and sometimes four, at dinner -- and maybe a few beers just to ensure we're hydrated.

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151 posts

Thanks so much! Good to know. David we’ll be careful with the beers, lol.