Is it acceptable to share meals at nicer restaurants and/or in pubs in Ireland? For example, two people ordering one or two appetizers and one main course? Or is that frowned upon or simply not done? (We would also purchase beverages and would tip well.)
We are two women traveling around Ireland later this spring. We’d like to eat in a few nicer restaurants (NOT $$$$ Michelin star, but upper mid priced places with good reviews). Im looking at menus and seeing some entrees, which sound delicious, which might be too much food for me. Im on the small side. At home I could take what I don’t eat as leftovers, but when traveling I would have to leave food on my plate. In some instances, sharing an appetizer or two and sharing one entree would be the perfect amount of food. But I don’t want to request this if it isn’t acceptable behavior.
Thanks for any information you can share about this!