Has anyone toured Ireland on horseback? I imagine riding my stallion across rolling green hills this summer, then stopping at quaint inns and sightseeing for a day. Are there companies that do this?
Are you a visitor from the eighteenth century?
Where in Ireland? I found this stable in Dingle doing a Google search https://burnhamhorseridingdingle.com/
Equitour is very reputable but doesn't do day rides https://www.equitours.com/europe/ireland/
I imagine riding my stallion
Is this your dream? Or are you experienced handling a stallion? I can't imagine any rental barn letting people ride a stallion.
Vagabond Tours, an Irish company, has a line of more adventurous and athletic expeditions. Horseback riding is one of the activities included.
I can't help picturing the OP on a council estate in Limerick being presented their steed and feeling slightly disillusioned