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Highest viewpoint in Dublin

Whenever we visit a city for the first time we make a point of locating the highest point from which to gain an overall view of the landmarks and to help us get our bearings.

What does Dublin have to offer in this regard? I'd appreciate any details you might have about location, hours of operation, costs, etc.


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337 posts

The Gravity Bar at the top of the Guinness Storehouse...after you pay admission and tour the whole place. But it's interesting, especially if you like beer. Visit their website for hours and prices. Slainte!

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4088 posts

Images of this glass flying saucer:;_ylt=AwrE18lr80NbGrkAbwTrFAx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=%2Bguinness+and+%2B%22Gravity+Bar%22&fr=crmas

The Guinness website:

While everyone refers to the Guinness brewery, this attraction is actually an "interpretive centre", installed in a former warehouse. The brewery itself is not open to visitors.
The views are stunning on a sunny day. The photos suggest great camaraderie, slightly misleading. The place does not encourage hanging around. Your pint is included in the admission -- and that's all you can get. At least when I visited a couple of years ago, no seconds were on sale.
An alternative, rather more hands on, is a pub a few floors down called the Academy. Not only can you drink that pint, you will have first poured it, coached by an expert. Cheers to that.