Train or bus? Any recommendations?
In exploration stage, but bus takes you to/from airport vs. train which leaves you at Hueston station, which isn't in Dublin centrum and requires LUAS to get to the heart of the city.
I am wondering about toilet on the bus or if there are restroom breaks - 2.5+ hours is a long time if no chance for relief!
The buses take you BOTH to Dublin City AND the airport.
The LUAS stops right outside Heuston Station. Most of the buses drop you just at a random stop in the City Centre, not at the actual Bus Station (which also has a LUAS stop).
I took the CityLink bus from Dublin to Gallway, and elsewhere Dublin Coach and Bus Eireann between cities. They all had wifi and bathrooms on the bus. I used the wifi but didn't need to use the bathrooms. There were not rest stops. I believe the CityLink bus between Dublin and Galway runs more often than the train.