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Dublin to Sligo - What to See?

Hi there! I'm sorry if this has been asked already; I didn't see anything specifically about this in a cursory search. My wife and daughter and I will be visiting Ireland from the U.S. in about a month, and we've planned essentially the 8-day trip that most folks here seem to recommend - 2 days in Dublin, then heading West for the Aran Islands, Connemara, The Burren and the Cliffs of Moher, then flying home from Shannon. It's actually a re-creation of my wife's and my honeymoon, back in 2004! It'll be a treat to bring along our now-15-year-old and show her the beautiful sights.

In Dublin, we plan to see the Book of Kells, and are staying right near Trinity College. At some point, likely on Day 3 as we leave Dublin for Sligo, we hope to take a tour of Newgrange, but our plans for the rest of that day are wide open.

If driving from Dublin to Sligo, via Newgrange, would you recommend any particular stops along the way? Or should we drive directly to Sligo and maximize our time there, instead?

Regarding interests, which most answerers seem to ask about, the three of us enjoy hiking, photography and local cuisine.

As one last aside: On Day 5 of our trip, traveling from Sligo to Galway, all three of us agree that it would be neat to visit a Sheep Farm -- perhaps Killary or Devlin. So that's another example of our idea of fun... : )

Thanks for any guidance!

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3 posts

...Upon posting, it occurs to me that the question may be a naive one. I see in another thread that travel times estimated via Google Maps should be extended by 25% or more, since travel in Ireland is at a slower pace. If that's the case, then simply getting from Dublin to Sligo, with a stop at Newgrange to see the burial mound, will likely take us all day, even without any additional stops!

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2187 posts

There are actually two burial mounds - Newgrange and Nowth - you can visit. They are very different and if you have time, do try and include both. You probably won't have much time left after doing both, looking at the exhibition and getting some lunch.