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Dublin (airport) to Galway: Train, Bus or Bus?

Our flight is scheduled to arrive in Dublin around 12:40 pm on a Saturday in June. Upon arrival we will press on to Galway. I'm looking at the obvious options to get to Galway and see three options that appear roughly equivalent:

Train: costs about €18, takes about 2 hr 15 min. Of course, we would need to get from the airport to the Dublin Heuston train station first. We would try for the departure at 1:25 pm - that's 45 minutes from scheduled arrival to train departure, which sounds optimistic to me (how optimistic?), next train departs at 3:35 pm). Advantages to this: shortest time to get there (although just by a bit); probably more roomy seat(?), ability to get up and walk around a bit (after our flight from Seattle, a small but appreciated benefit). Downsides: need to get from airport to train station (not expensive or long, just One More Thing). Infrequent departures.

Bus (Citilink/Eireagle): costs about €18 or €19, takes about 3 hours (a few buses are "eireagle express" that make the trip in 2 hours 30 minutes). Departs every hour, 15 min after the hour. We would try for the departure at 1:15 pm (that may not be realistic; next one is 2:15 pm). Advantages to this: leaves right from the airport so simpler, less hassle; hourly departures so if we miss the first one, no long wait; Wifi on the bus (good distraction for internet-addicted spouse). Downsides: bus seat possibly not as spacious as train, limited ability to get up and walk around enroute.

Bus (Expressway): costs about €15, takes about 3 hours 45 minutes. Departs every hour on the hour. We would try for the 1:00 pm departure (seems highly unlikely to me unless our flight gets in early; 2:00 departure seems much more likely). Advantages: leaves right from the airport so simpler, less hassle; marginally cheaper (not enough to make a difference to me), frequent departures. Downsides: same as above (bus versus train).

All of these look like acceptable ways to get there. All should get us to Galway between roughly 3:30 (best case) and 6:00 pm (worst case). I believe all of them would drop us in roughly the same part of Galway.

Our priorities include: comfort, getting there quickly and with minimal hassle. We will be coming off an overnight redeye flight (but we are flying over in business class nonstop from Seattle, so I expect we will get some good, solid sleep and arrive feeling pretty good, not completely trashed). Our goal for the day is to reach our B&B in Galway (Petra House) in good shape and with enough energy left to get out and wander Galway for a few hours before dinner.

For those of you familiar with these options...
Am I missing anything important about them?
Which would you choose (and why)?


Posted by
1688 posts

I’m only familiar with the flight, not the connection to Galway. I doubt you would make a 1:25 train or a 1:15 bus.. The Aer Lingus SFO flight lands right before the SEA flight and there’s also an Emirates flight arriving, which leads to additional wait time at non-EU immigration. Even traveling business class left me with over a one hour line at passport control when flying from SEA.

Posted by
6869 posts

Good to know, thanks. That 2:15 bus sounds like it might be a good choice (the 2:15 departure is one of the express ones, so that shaves 30 minutes off the time, getting us to galway at 4:45 pm which would be fine).

I'll plan to expect some lines at immigration. Thanks.

Posted by
1688 posts

Yes, the 2:15 sounds about right. Just FYI, the Aer Lingus lounge is right by baggage claim. So if for some reason you find yourself with extra time you could wait there, even take a shower and have your clothes pressed. :-)

Posted by
33 posts

We took the bus to Galway and back again to Dublin airport in 2017. It was definitely Citilink on the way back to Dublin, I can't remember which we used over to Galway. Our priority was catching whichever one came next without caring much about which company we went with, as they both sounded very comparable. The experience was great. Seats are definitely more comfortable with more legroom than an economy airplane seat (which doesn't say much). The driver and ticket personnel were extremely kind and helpful making sure we were in the right place. The time on board went by quickly with wifi. I think you are correct that the biggest downside would be less ability to stand up and walk around and stretch your legs, as opposed to the train. For me personally, I would still probably opt for the bus to avoid the hassle and time of having to get over to the train station from the airport. It sounds quite likely that the earliest train you could make would be the 3:30 one, so more time sitting around and waiting at the train station and, as you mentioned, just one more thing to deal with getting over there from the airport. I would consider my time standing in passport control and moving through the airport the chance to get up and stretch my legs after the long flight!

Posted by
16742 posts

You really think you will deplane, walk to immigration, go through immigration, walk to the bus depot, and get on your bus in 30 minutes? I know it's legal in Washington but seriously? :)

The Airlink 747 bus runs from Dublin Airport to Heuston Rail Station every 10 minutes. It takes about an hour depending on traffic. From there you can get the train. The train will probably be more comfortable than the bus because you can get up and walk around.

The bus is more convenient. Personally, after a long flight, the last thing I want to do is sit cooped up on a bus for three hours. I'd take the train.

The Airlink bus is right outside the terminal. All other buses are at the central airport bus depot a few minutes walk away.

Posted by
9082 posts

I would take the bus direct from the airport to Galway. You will waste too much time in Dublin traffic trying to get to Heuston Station.

Two bus stations in Galway. One is at the rail station and the other is just a few blocks away.

Posted by
6869 posts

Train departures to Galway are limited to 1:25 (probably unrealistic), 3:35 and 4:30. The buses go once an hour.

Does it really take about an hour on the bus to go from the airport to the train station?

Posted by
9082 posts

The 747 bus takes a route that circles through the city and ends up at Heuston Station. It is not direct which is why it takes so long. You could take a cab. I think you need to ask yourself just how important taking the train is to you. You will be tired. Easiest option is bus from airport directly to Galway. If train is a must, treat yourself to a cab from the airport to the station.

Posted by
16742 posts

As Carol stated, the 747 makes numerous stops around Dublin. Heuston Station is the last stop. It might take less than an hour depending on traffic but I also try to be a little conservative in my planning.

Posted by
6869 posts

OK, I'm convinced: seems like the reasonable choice is simply the first bus (from the airport to Galway) that comes by. That simplifies things and after an overnight flight, I like simple. While it would be nice to be able to get up and stroll on a moving train, we might just slump in our seats the whole way (we can do that on a bus just as easily) and we should have a bit of leg-stretchin' time in the airport while we're waiting for various formalities to conclude, and the bus sounds comfy enough for the last 2.5 hours of the journey to Galway.

Thanks all for the input and insights.

Posted by
72 posts

we took the bus I think it was called city link and it was fine and a good price too