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Driving map of Ireland

What map is the best for driving? We would like to have it before we get there for planning our trip.

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459 posts

I used the Ordnance Survey Road Atlas that was in a magazine format. It took a bit of learning to get the different areas to match up but because it was in the magazine/binder format it was pretty easy to handle, not like a big fold out map can be. I got it from Amazon. I also used this web site for learning some rules of the road over there, kind of helpful. I also used this mapping web site for help in Ireland and previously used them for Scotland. it is great for planning. I took my garmin GPS from the US and loaded the Ireland map in it and it was very helpful. The GPS showed all of the road including the single lane roads but there were times when the tiny roads were shown on the GPS but were not named, very helpful. I bought the Ireland map thru ebay for about 10 bucks and was able to load it (mini disk) prior to leaving home.

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1153 posts

If you like paper maps, Michelin maps are the best. Find them in good bookstores or online.

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72 posts

We also like the Michelin maps. They are large and can be unwieldy but you can just fold it to the area you are in and refold as you move around. Ours have served us well.

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1710 posts

The AA Road Atlas of Ireland is my choice. A decent atlas is probably a better choice for driving than folding maps.

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1710 posts

The AA Road Atlas of Ireland is my choice. A decent atlas is probably a better choice for driving than folding maps.