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Driving directions from Cliffs of Moher to Dingle

When looking up driving directions from the Cliffs of Moher to Dingle, Google driving directions shows driving to Limerick than on to Dingle. In RS Ireland guidebook, it recommends driving to Killmer and taking the ferry across the River Shannon then on to Dingle. RS says the Killmer route avoids Limerick traffic and is more direct. Any suggestions?

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8 posts

To clarify my original post, the RS recommended route using the ferry in Killimer, is more direct to the Burren. Not sure which route to take to get to our final destination in Dingle.

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1845 posts

The route via Limerick is on good fast roads but is probably a bit boring. The route taking the ferry is shorter but roads are slower. It is probably the more interesting route to drive - and has the bonus of the ferry!

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2828 posts

Actually, there's more to recommend the coastal route south from the Cliffs than just the ferry crossing.
On a sunny day a trip down the N67 is one of Ireland's prettiest scenic drives, with lots of pullouts along the way to enjoy the dramatic seascapes and take some photos. The village of Kilkee is quite pretty too and features a nice cliff walk that we frankly prefer over Moher - not least because we usually have it all to ourselves. It's a good place for lunch or a cup of coffee too.
Once across the Shannon the drive down to Tralee is pleasant enough, and Tralee would be another candidate for a break from driving to grab lunch.
From Tralee the more direct route into Dingle would be the N86, but the more scenic way would be to swing north and come into the town via the Conor Pass - a dramatic cut thru the hills that necks down to a single lane in places, and which is best done in sunny weather and only after you've had a chance to preview the route by using the Street View feature on Google Maps to see what you're in for. It isn't for the faint of heart if the weather turns sour.
The coastal route will take longer but is worth it if you're not particularly pinched for time and want to make a day of it.

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2828 posts

Might add that if you're really up for an off-the-beaten-tourist-path adventure consider driving down to the end of the Loop Head peninsula south of Kilkee ... all the way to the lighthouse where there's a gorgeous shoreline walk that wraps around the lighthouse. It's an "R" (rural) road but in good condition and along the way there are detours to a couple of "holy wells", including one dedicated to St. Kee - for whom Kilkee is named (Kil is the Gaelic name for church).
While walking the cliffs walk at Kilkee keep an eye out for a statue of the actor Richard Harris (the original Dumbledore among other roles) who was quite a local athlete in his youth and who lived along the road heading out to the cliffs parking lot.

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16 posts

Where is a nice cliff walk in the Kilkee?

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2828 posts

Robin: the Cliff Walk begins at the Diamond Rocks Cafe at the end of W End Road. If you face the beach looking out to sea it'll be off to your left. It'll be pretty obvious on Google Maps.