I, my husband and another couple will be staying in Dingle for a week at the end of May. The couple has never been to Ireland and would like to explore a little more than the peninsula. Any suggestions for day trips? Lots of daylight that time of year, so a two hour radius is fine. Thanks.
Yes, two awesome options:
Great Blasket Island is nearby, pretty and makes a wonderful day trip. You can spend most of a day easily hiking the island and on a fair day it's lovely and breathtaking. Take the little ferry from Dunquin.
Skellig Michael is a bit further, but OMG so worth it if you can pull it off. Logistics are tricky and with thin margins, so it's best to spend the night before close to your boat's departure point (most boats go from Portmagee); they make a go/no-go decision each day, based on sea conditions, and they DO cancel if it's rough. It's possible to do it from Dingle though, if you don't mind the long drive to/from and allow enough time (get up early). The "landing" tour gets you on the island (there are also non-landing tours). The season typically starts in May (you'll need to check) and the trips routinely sell out well in advance, so book ASAP. All the hassles are worth it (the climb up Skellig Michael is on exposed, sometimes rough/irregular paths/steps, no railings, and a slip there could be your last, so take it seriously - it's no place for rambunctious, wandering toddlers or anyone with serious mobility/balance issues. But if you can manage it, it'll be something you remember all your life.
In addition to seconding the idea of Skellig Michael, the Blasket Center near Dunquin is newly renovated and has fabulous displays and information about the island.
There's a day's worth of stuff close to Dingle including Gallarus Oratory, Riasc Monastery, Cashel Murphy, Dun Beag,
Eask Tower, Conor Pass/Waterfall (often fogged in). There is also music to be heard even in the afternoon. Don't miss St. James Church concerts. https://www.stjamesdingle.com/cultural-and-the-arts
- these are on the Slea Head Road and run by the farmers that own the land, with silly prices for small treasures. Slea Head is an gorgeous adventure in itself, with very narrow spots, opposing traffic, and steep cliffs on both sides of the road.
Thank you! My husband and I have been to Dingle and the entire peninsula several times, so we're pretty familiar with sights to hit there. I was more interested in day trips off the peninsula, if anyone has recommendations for those. And we will be hitting Skelling Michael. Excited for that. Thank you1
Two very different ideas whiuch fit within your two hour radius and could be done in a day.
• Foynes Flying Boat and Maritime Museum
Stop off in Tralee, Listowel and possibly Ardare....
There is of course Killarney with its National Park, Ring of Kerry etc....
It is just about two hours from Dingle but it was a good day trip. Went to Sneem on the Ring of Kerry, walked around, ate lunch outside then wen further towards Casherveen and saw Ladies View and then back to Dingle. It was a long day but really very leisurely one. I remember a very quirky bridge in Sneem that went over the waterfall But there was no exit from ..the other end. Anyway good luck.