Years ago we went to Inishmore from Rossaveel (sp?). I recall that the boat ride there was a bit bumpy.
There are two options for a day trip to that island out of Galway. Price not a consideration.
1 leaves direct from Galway to Inishmore arriving @1100 and departing 1530, The boat then sails below the Cliffs of Moher and returns to the dock at 1800. 1.5 hours on the boat to/2.5 hours return. Price for seniors E50.
2 requires a bus from Galway to Rossaveel then the boat to Inishmore. Departure comparable to above but could book return as late as 1700 from Inishmore. Return is boat then bus. 2 hours on bus/ 2 hours on boat. Price for seniors 38E r/t all in.
I'd appreciate any feedback as to either option. Tried finding out about services aboard the boat on the Aran islands ferries website to no avail. Like the idea of seeing the cliffs from below since we will also be seeing them from atop, but I don't know about so many hours on the boat. Like the idea of more time on the island and possible scenery from the bus. Thanks!