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Currency exchange: here or there?

Do you recommend doing a currency exchange through your bank in US before arriving in Ireland. Or doing an exchange at the airport? We only will need the cash for our two night stay at a place that only accepts cash.

And then we will have some for taxi's if needed last night in Dublin.

Thank you!

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7864 posts

Some travelers like to have little money before they arrive and get it from their home bank, so it is one less thing to do after flying over night.
Other travelers like to take it out of the atm when they arrive abroad.
There is no set in stone recommended way. I have done it both ways. The exchange rate is better out of the ATM but you are paying your home bank through a less favorable exchange rate for convenience.

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7209 posts

People here mostly recommend AGAINST doing a currency exchange (myself included). Withdraw money from the ATM when you arrive.

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4878 posts

No one will recommend using a currency exchange. They give horrible exchange rates. Either get a bit of money from your home bank, if you want some cash on hand when you arrive, or use an ATM as soon as you arrive.

And don't forget to notify your bank and credit card companies of your travel plans before you leave!

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2707 posts

Currency exchange-no. I really don't know who uses those places since the advent of ATM's. The choice is to arrive with some currency or hit the ATM in the airport. I've done the later once and it was not to my liking. I pay the few extra bucks stateside and get enough of the currency needed to get from the airport to the hotel. My sequence upon arrival is : bathroom, coffee, passport control, customs, transport to hotel. When I tried to throw ATM in there I had to fish out the debit card from my money belt, figure out which of the several ATM's available was the one I should use (told to avoid Travelex) get the money while trying to watch my luggage and those around me who might see my PIN, stuff the money into the money belt, then proceed to passport control, all the while horribly jet lagged. On subsequent trips, with some foreign currency in the money belt, I wait until I'm checked into the hotel, showered, going for a stroll until I see a bank ATM if I need more. I just find it less stressful.

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1172 posts

I like to have some cash on me when I get there. taxis take credit cards. I use credit cards as much as I can and would withdraw the needed cash for your lodging from an ATM

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459 posts

the atm at the Dublin airport was a breeze, no problem I believe I withdrew 600 euro. I had upped my amount limit prior to leaving the states. I also signed up for a Charles Schwab debit card/checking account and they reimburse you for any fees you may be charged by the atm in Europe and they do not charge you to convert your dollars to euros. The debit card is free as is the checking account you open that is attached to the debit's a great deal. Schwab requires you to also open a brokerage account but you are not required or expected to use it and there are absolutely no fees for just opening the account. Also if you are staying at other places on your trip that DO accept credit cards be sure on your last few days to ask the B&B/hotel if they will let you pay with your remaining euros in addition to your card..most spots gladly will allow you to split the bill.