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Cliffs of Mohar or Aran Islands?

I'm in Ireland for 1 week only and spending 4 of my 7 days in the Dingle area. I have 1 day to spend in the Galway area. Should I spend my day at the Cliffs of Mohar or riding bikes on the Aran Island?

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401 posts

We went to both last summer. While scenic, Cliffs of Mohar was packed with tourists. On the other hand, Aran Island was serene, beautiful, and not crowded at all. Plus, you can buy hand-knitted sweaters there.

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9 posts

I would do the Aran Island! There are cliffs there that are higher than the Cliffs of Mohar. We did both on our trip to Ireland, and would go back to the Aran Islands again and again.

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9064 posts

Aran Island bike riding is so much fun. My sister and I splurged and rented "e-bikes" when we were there and that made riding up some of those hills so much easier. (My exact words were: " I feel like I felt riding bikes 30 years ago") I think I would choose the Aran Islands.

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472 posts

There's at least one earlier stream on this - use the Search at your screen's top. We've been to both, & vote for Inishmore.

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2075 posts

I was just at both last June and I agree, go to the Aran Islands. I loved Innishmore and the ferry ride over and back. It would be a great place for biking and be sure to hike up to Dun Aenghus to get your cliff by the sea experience.

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162 posts

I just came from there and saw both. Without a doubt I would say you should go to one of the islands and get a bike. I went to Inismore and stayed the night there. Out of 30 days in Ireland it was one of the most enjoyable for me. The day I went to the Cliffs I just barely got there in time to see them before the fog rolled in and they disappeared!

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12315 posts

Aran Islands would be my choice. We spent a night in May with bikes. It's not completely devoid of tourists after the last ferry, but it's wasn't overflowing.