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Car rental costs

When I was looking to rent a car out of Dublin, I need to have $3,000-$5,000 set aside in a credit account for damages if they occur. How do I handle this? Is the 3k-5k the limit on my card or do I have to have that money put aside. Is there another way around it. Thanks Larry

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7569 posts

Yes, the way around it, and maybe the best option for a worry free trip, is to take the zero deductible CDW that the rental company offers. Your Credit card coverage is rarely accepted, meaning you pay cash for any damages and given the potential risks of driving on the left, with a manual transmission, and often on narrow roads, the risk of a scratch or even very minor damage costing you is significant.

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798 posts

They will simply put a hold on your credit card credit line for whatever the amount is and if there is no damage when you turn it in, they release the hold. If you go this route, take a million pictures of the car when you get it to document its condition. The alternative as mentioned above is to take the full CDW. It's at times like this that really appreciate being retired and able to take long enough vacations that I can do a lease.

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398 posts

We did the full CDW, and I'm glad I did it. Thought it was well worth the peace of mind to be fully covered no matter what. I think it was maybe an extra $150-$200 for the week. If you are driving anywhere in the countryside, the roads are often extremely narrow, and driving on the left is sufficiently different that it can be uncomfortable.