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Bloomsday in Ireland

I'm planning on fulfilling a lifelong dream which is to be in Ireland to celebrate Bloomsday June 16th which is my Birthday. I'm sure that this is a big deal in Dublin and I know that people from all walks of life travel to celebrate this day. Questions for those that have actually be in Ireland for this special event whether by mistake or a planned trip. Any tips that you can share to make the most of this day.

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I was in Dublin a number of years ago on Bloomsday. (I didn't know it was Bloomsday until that day.)

You will see people dressed in period costumes all over the city.

Kennedy's Pub (Known as Conway's in the book) had readings of Ulysseys on the day and you may want to check to see if they still do that.

Sweny's Pharmacy, now a used bookstore, is across the street . Check to see the hours on that day as it is not always open.

The James Joyce Center will have information on everything happening in Dublin that day.