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Best way to travel from London to Ireland to Dingle, and then Dingle to Dublin to fly home to US?

We've been told RyanAir might be our best bet (cost, convenience, time-wise) for traveling from London to Ireland, assuming going into Shannon Airport (?) and then renting a car to drive to Dingle. Staying there 4 days and will need to get from Dingle to Dublin (train? car?) to fly home to the states. This is our first trip to Ireland, so we could use some advice. Thank you!

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244 posts

We took Air Lingus from London to Dublin but I believe there were other options on who we flew. We rented a car the whole time and drove to Dingle and other spots- we also drove it back to Dublin and kept it while we were there. We had no issues with parking. We flew home from Dublin... What you want to do is very doable.

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1172 posts

I would for sure rent a car. Will give you a lot more flexibility to get around and explore the beautiful scenery

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631 posts

don't just compare flight prices. Make sure you have covered addtional fees for luggage. And when you have added them in also consider the cost of getting out of London to whichever airport you are looking at, this could make a difference.

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5 posts

Thanks for all the good advice, everyone! Much appreciated. We've now got ourselves on Aer LIngus (on a leg of a British Airways ticket) from London into Shannon, driving to Dingle. At the end of our trip, we'll drive to Dublin, upon the recommendation of our Dingle innkeeper, who pointed out that it would take about the same amount of time (4+ hours) whether we drove or took the train to Dublin.