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Best way to travel between Kilkenny and Belfast

I am looking for the best way to use public transport from Kilkenny to Belfast in the easiest, quickest way on Friday May 17. We would prefer train especially the Dublin to Belfast portion. I have the following information but maybe it is too early to reserve?

Kilkenny to Dublin Busaras Stn via Irish Rail, then Dublin Busaras Stn to Belfast Europa Stn with Translink. is Dublin Busaras Stn a train or bus station?

The other option I am looking at is the Dublin express from Kilkenny to Dublin Heuston, then Dublin Belfast on Enterprise from Connelly station. I am concerned about arriving in Heuston and Departing from Connelly. We are not great at train travel since we travel by car or plane when travelling at home.

If you could provide clarification or a better way to getting from Kilkenny to Belfast, I would appreciate it.
Thank you!

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The Busaras is the Bus Station.

The literal translation is 'Bus Building'.

The train from Kilkenny arrives into Dublin Heuston station. You then take the LUAS tram from straight outside Heuston to straight outside Connolly station for Belfast.

It really is easy, it gives you train all the way, and is almost certainly the fastest way.

Easiest is probably JJ Kavanagh's bus #717 Kilkenny to Dublin Airport bus, then Translink or one of the other companies buses (there are 3 maybe 4 companies from DUB airport to Belfast) Dublin Airport to Belfast Europa Bus station.

Everyone will have their own routes, all of which are valid routes.

The Busaras and Connolly station are almost across the street from each other.