Look for a hotel on booking.com. Use the map view to find a suitable one close to the O'Connell St. Bridge in central Dublin. What's "real expensive" is in the eye of the buyer, but anything that central will cost more than anything farther out. After finding the right hotel, or narrowing the search, on booking.com, use the hotel's own website to make your reservation.
Then look at the routes and timetables for Aircoach. There's an express service, route 705X, between O'Connell St. and Belfast, via Dublin Airport. It runs hourly and takes a little less than three hours each way. That means you'll spend six hours of your day trip to Belfast sitting on the bus.
You might improve on this by spending one or both of your two nights in Belfast, depending on how that fits with the rest of your trip. Aircoach route 705X takes about two hours between DUB and Belfast. So you could go up there Friday or Saturday, spend both nights or just Saturday night, and come back to the airport Sunday morning with a time cushion before your afternoon flight.