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After Rick Steve's Tour in Dublin—stay in the same hotel or go somewhere new?

So my husband and I will be staying in the Iveagh Garden Hotel for two nights at the end of our RS tour. Just wondering if
we should stay there for the next two nights before we leave to go home or stay in a different hotel in another part of the city.
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

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551 posts

If possible, I like staying in the same hotel at the end of a tour because it means one less day of packing, checking out, having my luggage stored, checking in and unpacking. Instead of spending time doing all of that, I can go out and see/do something fun, or just have a leisurely morning. It’s really comfortable staying put for 3-5 nights! However, some people like to move to a new hotel in a different neighborhood, just to experience something different. I just figure out public transportation and go wherever I like in the city without any moving logistics involved.

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262 posts

I think it’s more convenient to stay in the same place after the tour, if it’s in your price range and you’re happy with the location.

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41 posts

I think we'll stay at the same place. It looks beautiful and it will be much easier to stay put. Thanks for responding.