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7hr layover in Dublin

hi, we're going to Barcelona in 2 weeks via Dublin. The layover is 7hr, is that sufficient to visit the city center, or some place around the airport? We won't check in luggage, will have small suitcases with us. Thank you!

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23524 posts

I always call these layovers -- sucker plays. It sucks you into think you lots of time when you really don't. Don't know the Dublin airport and lay out. But in general terms it probably take an hour and half, maybe two, to clear immigration and customs. Time to downtown -- don't know. Return to airport, exit immigration and security for you next flight - another hour or so? Of that 7 hours, I could see maybe four hours or more eaten of you security lines and paper work so that you can visit for a couple of hours. I know seven hours is pain to kill but take a nap and have a decent meal somewhere.

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15922 posts

You could do it but you wouldn't have much time.

An hour or so for immigration, an hour to an hour and a half round trip into the city via airport bus (depending on where you are going in the city), the need to be back at least two hours prior to the flight and that woukd leave you at most 2.5 hours in Dublin. Probably less.

There is no exit immigration in Ireland when heading to the EU.

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914 posts

It takes approximately 20-25 minutes to take a cab from airport into Dublin City. You would have to go thru immigration and then back thru security on your return to airport. You didn’t say what time of day you would be arriving. If it’s in the morning, a quick jaunt into town for lunch would be better than sitting around the airport for that many hours, imo, but then I hate sitting in an airport.

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811 posts

Thx everyone for the recommendations. I ended up going to the city center. Landed on a Sunday around noon, no one at the custom, easily caught the bus in 30 min I'm at trinity college. Good pub food and some shopping, paid 32 euro for a taxi back to airport. Bus from airport to the city is 8 euro, 12 back. The 2 of us could have taken the bus but too much food and beer I was falling asleep. It's not enough time to see the highlights I'd planned but staying at the airport would be a real bad idea. Enjoy Dublin!

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695 posts

Here in the States, the larger airports are now offering "day passes" to allow you to get through security without a boarding pass. Someone seems to think people might enjoy shopping for overpriced items and paying $25 for a burger. Glad you were able to at least see a bit of Dublin.