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3 square pronged plugs in ireland


rick steves' book says Ireland has the above prongs in Ireland. does anyone know where these are available? thanks.


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11294 posts

You can get them right from this very site, where they are on sale (you need the top one, labeled "British style"):

Or from Magellans, here:

Or on Amazon, for instance here:

If you want a bricks and mortar store, look at Target or KMart. If you're in a large city, you may even be able to get them at a drugstore (Walgreens in New York City, for instance, have them, but I realize others may not).

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204 posts

thank you, Harold.

I went to target and walmart and didn't find it. I checked one of the websites you gave and it only cost $1.00 at rick steves' store. I will just order from there.


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204 posts


just ordered the prong from r steves' store. shipping was $6.00. funny. adapter was a buck.


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6 posts

Hi, Do the adapters you bought have 3-prong on the "user" side; that is, can I plug a 3-prong US plug into it?)? jim

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5837 posts

Olivia: At buck each and $6 for shipping, I hope you bought two or three. If you only bought one tape it to your North American plug so you don't leave it behind.

JimHenry: I think the British plugs are three pronged including a ground pin. The RS Continental adapter is only a two round conductor ungrounded plug but is shaped so that a NorthAmerican ground pin just goes by the Continental adapter. Note that you will not be grounded using the RS Continental adapter.