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Ireland in October


This will be my first trip abroad and my best friend and I are planning on going to Ireland in early
October. We know it will be cool there, but what type of coats/fleece jackets, etc. should we consider
taking with us?

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2517 posts

We were last there end of October and first two weeks in November. Only used raincoat with removal lining. The only time we have had to use a heavier coat was in December. A scarf is also a good idea. Enjoy.

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16 posts

Thanks. Thought about taking a heavier fleece jacket and a light rain coat/slicker to wear over it.
Umbrellas? Or, should we buy ours when we get there?

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9371 posts

I have been there in April, not October, but it should be about the same. I took sweatshirts and wore a waterproof raincoat on top of it. It rained a considerable amount at times. We also took hats and gloves, which came in handy at windy locations like the Cliffs of Moher. I would go with your fleece and rainwear, and if it was really necessary, buy another layer there. If your rain jacket has a hood you won't necessarily need an umbrella, so I wouldn't take one.

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2517 posts

Umbrella is a personal choice I think. My daughter in law took one and used it all the time it was needed. I had coat with hood and never missed the umbrella.

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124 posts

The weather in Ireland is about the same as it is during August and September, the only difference is the sun goes down sooner.

This last bit as nothing to do with the weather, but a nice heads up for a safe trip to Ireland in October.

Seeing as you are traveling to Ireland during October, please watch out for the "fireworks" or as they like to call them "bangers." I didn't know this until I lived through the whole month of October 2013 in Dublin (I also took trips out into the countryside) that the Irish (mostly the youth/drunks) celebrate Halloween (nearly every night for the full month of October) by throwing/setting off very loud fireworks/bangers, in the air, at people's feet on the street and small animals (like cats). This goes on all over Ireland and only gets worst the closer it gets to Halloween. The cops really don't do anything unless someone gets hurt. My advise is to stay on main streets as much as you can and don't walk below any apartment buildings or places with balconies.

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2517 posts

I can only add that we have done three trips to Ireland in October, the latest being this last October into November and never once saw or heard a firecracker or seen fireworks and this was all over Ireland.