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Westman Islands

Trying to decide if we want to take the car on the ferry and drive around the island on our own or do the Eyja minibus tour. We will be doing the Ring Road, hence lots of driving and it might be nice for the driver to have some time off. But would we be limiting what we can see too much? Also, any insights about the Ribsafari - is it really rough, do you get to see much, is it worth both time & cost?

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364 posts

I would recommend taking the car on the ferry. The ferry itself is very comfortable with nice seating and amenities as well as excellent views from deck (we had good weather - I can't speak to days when the weather does not cooperate).

The island of Heimaey is small, but it is very helpful there to have your own car. Assuming you're there when the weather is ok, you will want the freedom to drive to parking lot for the volcano hike, or to see the cliffs where the puffins hang out in season, etc.

I'm not sure where you're driving from so not sure how much of an extra burden the drive would be.

Our trip to Heimaey was our favorite part of our trip to Iceland a couple summers ago. It's well worth the effort in my view.

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2433 posts

Definitely take your car on the ferry. The island is not that large, but it is really nice to have a vehicle to get to. the southern most tip where the puffins are. The puffins fly around to fish during the day, but are back on land in the early mornings and later evenings, so a vehicle is especially nice then.

The ribsafari tour is a blast! We did the 2 hour one last summer and a pod of orcas came right up to us. The captain saw them and turned the boat off so we just floated around, but the pod of 7 really wanted to check us out and were so close, even as close as 15 feet or so. A tad unnerving, but an amazing sight to see. Everyone was silent just watching. Even aside from that , the tour was so good!

Driving on the island is super easy so your drive will not be stressed at all.