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7384 posts

Moneybelts are useful anywhere, it appears. Interesting that all victims have been American. The story suggests that having cash (instead of credit cards) made them targets. The thieves didn’t consider that a credit card could’ve been used to quickly score merchandise, but apparently they knew their Marks didn’t have cards anyway, and did have loads of currency at easy reach.

I wonder if these are Icelanders that suddenly developed a criminal concept (maybe “kids?”), or people from somewhere else that pickpocketing is more common, currently residing in Iceland, but bringing that unfortunate behavior with them?

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20167 posts

With visa-free travel in the Schengen zone and cheap flights, the pickpockets are commuters who travel where the pickings are good.

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7384 posts

You’re probably safe from being pickpocketed while soaking in the Blue Lagoon, Fontana, or other thermal waters, but then make certain your valuables are in a safe place!