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Icelandair 21.5 x 14 x 9 fit help??

Hello I know the Icelandair luggage question is a hot topic so sorry. Can anyone tell me if they used a suitcase that was 21.5 x 14 x 9 for their overhead bag and had it fit in the metal box? it is actually smaller in all dimensions they allow except the 9 inch side (they want 7.8) it is the bottom where the wheel plate is so not flexible . Does anyone know if there is wiggle room on that measurement?? I don't have an airport nearby to check. That is including handle and wheels and it will not be over 22 pounds. I know many of you never got asked to use the box/sizer but I feel id like to hear from anyone who has if there was extra room in the sizer. Also has anyone taken a photo of their luggage in the box? If it matters I will be connecting thru Boston. Thanks

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2934 posts

We have flown Iceland Air many times, and out of SEA at least, they are very strict with baggage size and they always measure if it is even close. They also weigh them.

We are headed back to Iceland again this summer and I just bought this bag for a carryon. The dimensions are 11.5" x 15.5" x 7.75". There is also the large size which is 13.75" x 19.75" x 9.5" which is too deep, BUT if you do not stuff it full and can make it fit, you will be good. The nice thing about these bags is they only weigh 1#.

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11 posts

Thanks for the fast reply. I'll take a look. I was hoping to use what I have. Have a great trip.

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2934 posts

BNC--I get that:) We do have one older bag that fits their carryon size so I took that on our last trip. This time I wanted super lightweight and not rigid since we will be in a Campervan, so I am not taking that other bag. Where are you flying out of?

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2934 posts

Ok, I have no experience with Iceland Air on that route, but as I mentioned, out of SEA they are sticklers. Whatever you choose, have a great trip!

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818 posts

This has been on my mind, too. Husband will probably use his RS Ravenna, expand it, and check it. I will need to measure and do some math, but I will use the biggest EB bag I have that falls into the guidelines and check it. We have lots of bags, but nothing that really works for their smallest measurement. We are in bulkhead seats, so I will be putting whatever I carry-on in the overhead bin.

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470 posts

Hi! Like mikliz97, I fly out of Seattle. Last summer my bag was 21"x10x14, and I was asked to put it in the bag sizer twice to ensure that it fit. It fit no problem, and the bag was under 22 pounds so the gate agent reluctantly let it through. It helped that my bag was soft sided on part of it and that it was not packed full. Pay attention to their personal item size requirements also, because I was barely able to make it through with a small REI backpack. Good luck!

Posted by
11 posts

Thanks that's very helpful! I was hoping the box had a small amount of space on the 7.8 side. It won't be over packed but since the wheel plate determines the 9 inches that won't squish down to 7.8 I really don't want to have to buy something so close to what I have but I am unable to backpack carry so it will need to be wheeled. I will keep in mind the undersea size!

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9089 posts

I’m about to board an Icelandair flight in an hour. I checked my carryon size bag, but I’ll keep an eye out on how they are managing carryons and report back.

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11 posts

awesome!! I only care if my 9 inch side will fit I meet everything else. safe travels

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9089 posts

Ok, I just finished my recon mission. The boxes used at SeaTac have an open side that measures width. I saw a 9 “ bag rejected and gate checked. There is no “squeezing” into a box. They did not measure Saga Premium carryons at all, simply attaching a Saga Premium luggage label.

I struck up a conversation with the flight attendant that was the “bag master” and shared your concerns with her. Her answer was that the strictness of baggage measure and weigh is directly related to how full the flight is. She will be stricter on a full flight. She said that unless you are absolutely against having your bag checked, you can bring it to the gate. They will gate check it for free if they determine there is a size issue.

I hope this helps!

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11 posts

Carol, that is so helpful! I really appreciate it! Luck has it I am Saga so maybe it will work? Thank you so much. enjoy your trip.

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16778 posts

I have flown Icelandair in Saga class many times. They have never checked my bags. However, they always seem to check people in economy.

This includes last September from BOS to KEF.

Since there are less seats in Saga, there are less people trying to use the overhead.

In fact, depending on your Saga ticket, you may be allowed two carryons and a personal item.

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11 posts

Thank you for that info. This is looking better and better for me. Fingers crossed.

Posted by
41 posts

We bought new luggage to the exact specifications for Icelandair carry on dimensions. We figured we’ll use it again. All our existing pieces were too deep (deeper than 7.8 inches) and rigid, although tiny. We were not asked to measure in their box, and only the checked luggage was weighed. Their personal item measurements are also really small btw and a standard US backpack will be too big/deep/tall.
We didn’t feel it would be worth the hassle if they rejected something. However, if you have soft sided pieces that can be squished into their dimensions, go for it.

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11 posts

Sam thanks. I know what you mean it may not be worth the stress to try and make my bag fit. I wish they could make this easier. I hate the uncertainty. I already found a smaller bag for under the seat so at least that’s covered.

Thanks again.

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11 posts

Also Sam if you don’t mind what luggage did you buy that fit. Thanks

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115 posts

We flew out of BWI in March and they checked our carry-on bags at the check in gate and put a tag on it (I think it said something like carryon approved? I don't know now, it's been a month, LOL). I ultimately checked my TravelPro bag, I thought it was too heavy and I also decided to bring some cough medicine for the kids just in case and they were of course 4 ounces instead of 3.

Anyway, prior to the trip, I got this bag for my husband - Worked well, definitely fit, and it does expand if you need more space - with the expanded part it probably won't fit in IcelandAir's bin but I'm not sure about that, on the way home we were so sick of carrying bags around we checked everything we could. He didn't use the small hand luggage that came with it, though it seems like a decent bag.

I'm considering getting another for the next time we travel with our son - he had a cute bag with dinosaurs on it which was perfect for a trip to Grandma's house or a car trip, but we found out the hard way it was a pain to get through airports with, since the handle was perfect for his height and too short for anyone else to pull. Cue lots of complaining on his part.

Posted by
15 posts

Kristi, thanks for the link for the Rockland luggage! I recently tried to buy a TravelPro International bag and it was out of stock! (They took my order, then emailed me that they couldn't fulfill it.) I will strongly consider getting the luggage that you got for your husband!

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41 posts

Sorry for the delay in responding, so we stuck exactly to all measurements for checked, carry on AND personal items as posted on their website. I bought new carry ons on Amazon that exactly fit the dimensions and which can be carried as backpacks, soft sided. No wheels, I felt that meant losing too much space and adding too much weight. We’re very happy with our new carry-ons for “European airline” travel and will use them again. If you are still interested, I will look up the brands. They were not expensive.

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3639 posts

This has been an interesting thread to me, as we seem to fly Iceland Air to Europe. We always want to carry-on, but they always make us check our bags. And no, the bags don’t meet their tiny luggage requirements. It just annoys me though, when the flight attendants close the overhead bins, and most of them are at least half-empty! Interesting to note, they don’t do this to Saga class.

Posted by
11 posts

Thanks all, I am still following. I think because I'm gonna be Saga this time I will take my chances with the above bag but bring a backup foldable duffle bag to put meds and important items in just in case they want to take it away and check it.

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1 posts

Thanks to Kristi and all on this thread. We just returned from a Viking cruise around Iceland. We flew Alaska Air/Iceland Air PHX/PDX/KEF outbound and KEF/SEA/PHX return.
We were in Saga class and they DID check our luggage size and weight at the gate in Portland. I had bought the Rockland set, plus I made 8 compression cubes. The Rockland set does not scream "high quality" and I packed duct tape as backup. However, it survived all the handling it got at airports plus luggage handling by Viking at the beginning and end of the cruise, including being checked on the return flights. The suitcase fit into overhead no problem and the little bag fit neatly under the seat.