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Iceland still expensive?

My husband and I are considering different destinations for a 10-day trip at the end of June. Is Iceland still as popular (and expensive!) as it was a few years ago? Since everyone is flocking to Portugal these days, we were hoping the Iceland crowds might have thinned a bit? 😜

We generally prefer to rent a car and book our own hotels, but we have seen some "self-drive" tours out there, via Nordic Visitor, etc. Does anyone have any recommendations one way or the other, or any tips to keep the costs down a little? I know that June is generally a pricy time to travel, but as a teacher, my possible travel dates are somewhat limited.

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I see Rick Steves suggests renting a campervan/RV to cut costs. Has anyone done that? How did it work out?

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16943 posts

Take a look at packages (hotel + car) with IcelandAir. Sometimes the airline packages are a good deal if they provide what you want.

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2263 posts

We just got back from our 6th trip. The crowds have not thinned out at all.

Last summer we did a camper for the first 10 days of that trip. Loved it! But you are very late for this year and most if not all from the reliable companies are sold out already. A friend booked hers about 2 months ago for late June and there was very little to choose from.

Plan for next year, and start booking about a year in advance for the best prices and options.

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24 posts

I went in June last year and it was expensive. However, I did not think that it was busy. It's very doable on your own in a rental car.

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189 posts

We are booked for 2 weeks in June and booked all our accomodation in November. I remember thinking I was lucky to average just slightly under $200 Canadian a night, it looked to me to be pretty obvious that latecomers to the accomodation game were going to be paying hundreds of dollars more likely. Very happy I'm all settled in.