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Iceland is WOW

For those about to go to Iceland, I just want to let you know you are in for a real treat!

Our word of the trip was WOW and the landscape blew us away each day by the sheer beauty and uniqueness of each turn/curve of Highway 1.

Rain pants are a MUST! And so are hiking boots (get good ones, you'll be in them the whole trip)---often I looked down at lunch or dinner and saw the whole restaurant full of hiking boots and thought---"These are my people."

You can do the Ring Road in 8 days (it was a whirlwind) and you will meet amazing locals in all sections of the island/country!

It rained most of our trip which surprised me (I guess there is a reason it's so green in Iceland) and WOW it is expensive---but try not to think about it and just enjoy this breathtaking trip you are about to go on!!

Already planning to go back....there is a quiet beauty to this place that seeps into your bones and you want more!

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2468 posts

Ahhh, another person that shares my love of Iceland! Wow, 8 days is fast for a ring road trip. We had 12 for that trip and still felt rushed. We keep going back as there is just so much more to see and never enough time! I head back for my 7th trip next month.

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7517 posts

Thanks for your trip report! I agree—I loved Iceland and really want to head back there soon. So glad you had a good time!

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507 posts

How wonderful to read. I, too, love Iceland. There is something about the bleakness of the landscape in some parts that really grabbed hold me of me and won't let go. Yet I also love the greenness in the spring and even the invasive but beautiful lupine everywhere. The 14 hour day my son and I spent driving & exploring the south coast from Reykjavik (and back again) is among my top three travel experiences ever.
I've been to Iceland twice but haven't done the ring road yet. It's on my short list.