We are planning to drive the Ring Road in May and wondering what to expect for weather and availability of places to stay. Appreciate any helpful experience you can share - are there normally vacancies or it it necessary to book ahead? - Is food less expensive that in Reykjavik? We plan to use Rick's recommended itinerary with two or three added nights.
We were just in Iceland for the first week of November. We did not do the Ring Road because it is early winter there. Food is extremely expensive everywhere and especially in the smaller towns. The Bonus grocery store is reasonable for prices and fun to shop in. I suggest you look Iceland up on Pinterest and read as many travel blogs about Iceland as you can. The information out there is excellent, but you have to do a lot of careful reading to get to the information you really want. Plan carefully. It is an incredible place and well worth the effort.
I would definitely book ahead. Iceland is popular. Besides that, some of the accommodations are off the beaten track so it's good to know where your destination is rather than scrambling during the day to find something.
Good advice. We will definitely book ahead - especially since we have plenty of time. We were thinking we might leave some dates open and keep our schedule flexible. But we don't want to be caught without a suitable place to stay.