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Iceland Air Carry on options

Hello all,

We are planning a trip to Iceland and looking into using Iceland air because we have read and heard some nice reviews. With that being said, I know this is probably an unusual question but one I need help with.

Reading about Carry on policy, it seems Iceland Air has become even tighter on their restrictions from what I have read. Actually have been looking into a small carry on and purchased a Travelpro Maxlite 4 International Carry-On which measures at 21.25 x 14.25 x 8 inches. I really thought that would suffice for any international carrier....I was wrong.

Iceland Air:

Carry-on Baggage Allowance
Your carry-on bag must fit in the overhead bin.

Maximum dimensions: 21.6 x 15.7 x 7.8 inches (55 x 40 x 20cm), including handles and wheels. The maximum weight is 22lb (10kg).

Long story I have to comply with their rules, but I need a couple of suggestions for carry ons that will meet their requirements ( if possible, ones that aren't underseat bags).Maybe I'm missing one, but I can't seem to find one.

Thank you all!

Posted by
8329 posts

Instead of buying another I would try to carry the bag you already have on. it looks pretty small.
Checkin online get a boarding pass and go to the gate instead of going to the checkin counter.

Posted by
6948 posts

Those dimensions/weight limitations may seem strict, but other airlines are even more restrictive.

I'm OK with paying to check a bag on many flights. Just part of the way things are now.

Posted by
18 posts

Thank you. It seems Iceland air adjust those numbers just enough to make it difficult to bring a carry on. JMO.

Posted by
2554 posts

As for positive reviews, not from me. If you need food for your flight, don’t buy on the plane, as the quality is low and prices high.

Posted by
2680 posts

I didn’t notice anyone checking carryon size when I flew last month.

i’m certain at least 1/3 of the bags were oversize.

Posted by
255 posts

Here's one data point. We flew Iceland Air last summer. Flying out of Dulles, the agent dropped our carry-ons into the dreaded metal box. We use the RS Rolling Carry-On advertised as 20" x 13 ½" x 9" (without the Zip-Out Expandability feature). They fit into the box OK and we had no issues. The bag dimensions were not checked at Keflavik either direction or in Oslo on the way home. The RS bags go on sale sometimes.

Posted by
18 posts

No, that wasn't a major concern, but I rather ask from people who know from experience of this particular airline.
I read enough negative outcomes from comments on videos and articles to know that if some CSR is having a bad day, theoretically they can refuse it. I like to play things safe if I can.

Posted by
194 posts

I read enough negative outcomes from comments on videos and articles
to know that if some CSR is having a bad day, theoretically they can
refuse it. I like to play things safe if I can.

Indeed. We made the mistake of getting to the airport early (like they advise you to) to check in to our Iceland Air flight this past March. With nobody behind us waiting to check in, the CSR (who was training a new employee) decided to go all "chapter and verse" on my wife and I regarding our carry-ons, just to show the trainee who was in charge. He literally made us take about 2 lbs out of one bag and put it in the other, then told me that my "personal item" was too big, so we had to check one of our rolling carry-on bags (it was free to check, but that just meant waiting/hoping that it showed up at our final destination... it did).

A few hours later as we were boarding, imagine my surprise seeing the person in front of me schlepping both a typical rolling carry-on PLUS a full-sized guitar case! To add insult to injury, that same CSR was standing at the gate. I smiled and looked right at him, then glanced at the sherpa in front of me, then back to him with a questioning look. It went right over his head.

Posted by
16893 posts

I flew Icelandair and my bag was about an inch thick. I checked in at a kiosk. No one batted an eye on either of my two flights.

I try to talk to as few people as possible. I either check in online or at a kiosk. Then I don't sit right near the gate agent so the first time they see me is when I am boarding. In the past month I have flown on three airlines with a 20 cm limit. My bag is 23 cm. No gate agent took a second look. They just wanted to get the passengers on board.

Posted by
773 posts

We just flew Iceland Air from Portland to London, then back from Glasgow. Of course, all flights go through KEF.

At no point on any of these flights did we see anyone checking the sizes of the carryons. We had very little contact with anyone at any of the airports, especially at the Iceland Air gates. The people at the ticket counters were so busy checking people in that carryons were never even discussed. We saw people carrying on all sizes of bags, just like with any domestic airline.