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Fjallsarlon kayak vs. Jokulsarlon zodiac - any thoughts?

I am trying to decide between a kayak tour a Fjallsarlon glacier lagoon or a zodiac tour at Jokulsarlon. We will stop at both one way or the other. We have some experience kayaking and I like the idea of a quieter experience at the smaller lagoon but if Jokusarlon and its larger icebergs can really only be enjoyed from a boat (vs. the shoreline) I wouldn't want to miss that and we'd pick the zodiac boat there. It seems that the zodiac may be the way to go at Jokusarlon because the lagoon is so big and I think we'd miss a lot if we were in kayaks. Any thoughts appreciated!

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IMO, the zodiac boat tour at Jokulsarlon is not to be missed. It is a very different experience than seeing it from the parking lot/shoreline. We have not kayaked there, so can't comment on that. The day we did the zodiac, the glacier was calving and our guide raced us as close to it as was safely possible, and we watched it unfold.