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Back from our 10 day drive around...

Cannot tell ya'll how important checking the road conditions DAILY is, if not more... We went from summer to winter, back to summer and hurricane-like winds thrown in for fun... is you friend. Also, a hotspot in the car is wonderful.

I drove over 1800 miles, saw so much and left so much yet unseen. Plans had to be changed so another tip I would add to you self-drivers out there is to 1: make a plan, then 2: make an alternate plan just in case things change, like the weather... RS guidebook most handy as well- I ripped out the parts we did not need and left them at home as we skipped downtown Reykjavik as well as Myvatn.

If you would like to see our travel diary you can view it here: It was an awesome trip...

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3 posts

Thank u for the trip report. I picked up several helpful tips and loved all the photos!

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44 posts

Hi all,
I was in Iceland in July-August. Some of the roads were washed out due to glacial melt. It happens quickly. Yes check the road conditions.

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35 posts

Thank you for an entertaining trip report and great photos! If you had to pick a few NOT TO MISS places what would you suggest? I don't have it in me to do all that driving but would love to know the best of the best. Thank you!

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32 posts

j-go, ANYWHERE you go will be wonderful. We were fortunate to have a few nights with the Northern Lights, most of our lodging and hosts were 12/10. However, when I think back on the September trip, I remember a few things that really stood out:

Djúpalónssandur Beach on the west end of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. I found it just stunning, much like the "sneaker wave beach" at Vik (which was also grand), but less people. Great spot for a picnic. We sat on a rock and enjoyed the sun and the space.

The Herring Era Museum.. I thoroughly enjoyed it as well as the drive up to it. I thought the cafe was also great, but then I love herring-of-many-kinds. We used to live near Beaufort, NC and the museum reminded me much of Beaufort's menhaden plant and its maritime history. Very nostalgic.

Glaumbær Farm & Museum was much more interesting that my husband thought it would be. I enjoyed our time there, plus next door we got to see the statue with wee Snorri on his mom's (Guðríður Þorbjarnardóttir) shoulder...

The sheer power of the Dettifoss waterfall is jawdropping, and the walk through the lunar landscape is crazy. Easy enough to see after you visit Stuðlagil Canyon.

You can't go wrong with the Golden Circle, just be prepared for all the peoples. If you spend time in Reykjavik, go to as many museums as you can. We stayed in "the city" on our first trip so we skipped that totally.
