Hi! We are currently in Iceland and are loving Reykjavik! We have a 9:30 AM flight on Tuesday morning. I currently booked us a FlyBus that will pick us up at 5:00 AM to arrive at the airport at 6:15 AM, since a friend had said that security lines were dreadful when she went on her trip. I think that I have been reading recently that lines are not bad and security is quick, so I am considering pushing the pick-up back 1 hour later. Has anyone flown here in the past couple of months that could share their experience with timing at the KEF airport? Thanks so much!
At the end of May, check in and security lines were dreadful. Some of it was due to the fact that many flights leaving Europe late ended up being surprise overnights at Keflavik for the passengers (including us). But, that was a while ago. What does your hotel say?
I flew out of KEF ten days ago. I had a 7:30 AM flight. I was through in less than 10 minutes and most of that was because I kept setting off the scanner. (It's the only airport I ever set off the scanner and I go through a lot of airports.)
Now, the check in lines were horrible. Even at that early hour. But if you only have carry on, you can either print your boarding pass before going to the airport of use the self service machines. Be advised, people were trying to check bags with the self service machines but they were all out of luggage tags. I just had carry on so I was through in no time. But that can change every day.
Thanks for the help! We decided to change our pick-up time to 6, arrived at the airport at 7:15, and the check-in/security lines were so short and easy so it was great timing for our 9:30 AM flight!